Oasis of Line Dancing

All She Knows (Feb11)

24/02/2011 13:42

All She Knows

Choreographed by:

Jordan Lloyd, UK (Feb 11)


All She Knows by Bruno Mars


48 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance


Count in: 32 counts from the beginning of the song. 2/4 wall. 


Lunge, Sweep , Sailor ¼ Rock Recover, Step Back, Step ½ , ¼ Rock & Cross. 


Lunge step right foot forward, recover back on left as you sweep right foot around to the right. 


Step right behind left, step left forward making ¼ turn left, rock forward on right. 


Recover back on left, step back on right. 


Step left forward making ½ turn left. 


Rock right out to right making ¼ turn left, recover onto left, cross right over left. 




Rock & Cross, Step Twist, Twist, Sweep ¾ , Sailor Cross, Sway, Sway. 


Rock left out to left, recover onto right, cross left over right. 


Step right to right as you twist the top half of your body to the left, twist the top half of your body to the right, sweep left around making ¾ turn left. 


Step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right. 


Sway hips to right side, sway hips to left side. 


*RESTARTS 1 and 2 happen here* 




Cross Back Together, Cross Back Together, Monterey ½ , Rock & Cross. 


Cross right over left, step left to left, step right next to left. 


Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left next to right. 


(Moving back slightly as you do these steps) 


Point right to right, make ½ turn right as you step right next to left. 


Rock left out to left, recover back onto right, cross left over right. 




Right Basic, ¾ Lift, Run, Run, Rock, Recover, Coaster Cross. 


Step right to right, rock left behind right, recover onto right. 


Step left back as you make ¾ turn right as lift right foot off the ground. 


Step right forward, Step left forward, rock forward on right. 


Recover back onto left. 


Step back on right, step left next to right, cross right over left. 


*RESTART 3 happens here* 




& Step, Pop Sweep ¼ , Sailor, Step, Rock & Cross & Cross. 


Step left to left, step right next to left. 


(position your body to right diagonal) 


Pop both knees forward slightly, as you bring knees back down put weight onto right and sweep left around making ¼ turn left. 


Step left behind right, step right to right, step left to left. 


Step forward on right. 


Rock left to left side, recover back onto right, cross right over left. 


Step right to right, cross left over right. 




Step ¼ , Step ¼ Cross Side Together Cross, Step ¼ , Step ½ , Step ½ Step, Ball Step, Step 


Step back on right making ¼ turn left, step left to left making ¼ turn left. 


Cross right over left, step left to left, step right next to left. 


Cross left over right, step back on right making1/4 turn left. 


Step forward on left making ½ turn left, step right forward. 


Pivot ½ turn left, step right next to left, step left forward. 



*R 1:

happens ON the 3rd wall, you will restart the dance on the 3 o’clock wall. (you will dance the dance as a 2 wall dance on the 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock walls) 

*R 2:

happens ON the 6th wall, you will restart the dance on the 6 o’clock wall. 

*R 3:

happens ON the 7th wall, you will be facing the 12 o’clock wall. On restart 3 on counts 7&8 instead of doing a coaster cross, do a coaster step and then add an & count stepping left next to right, start again lunging right. 


Dance the dance as normal after 3rd restart! 


Have fun and let loose! :D 

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