Oasis of Line Dancing


20/09/2011 14:21

Wall: 2
Level: Intermediate
Choreographer: Daniel Whittaker (England)
Music: Halla Decale by DJ Mam’s (use the original version only) 3mins 59sec

Start: 16 counts from the start of the heavy beat(start on vocals)

Notes: Everytime at end of wall 1,3,5 you will add 8 count tag… always facing back wall and then you restart on wall 6 after 48 counts facing back wall. See video.

[1-8] Side, Kick, touch 1/4 turn, kick ball step, 1/2 turn
1-2                           Step right to right side, kick left across right 12:00
3-4                           Touch left to left side, make 1/4 turn left (weight transfer to left) 09:00
5&6                          Kick right foot forward, step right beside left, step left foot forward 09:00
7-8                           Step right foot forward, make ½ turn left 03:00

[9-16] Shuffle ½ turn, coaster step, stomp stomp (out, in, out)
1&2                          Shuffle ½ turn left stepping right, left, right 09:00
3&4                          Step left foot back, step right beside left, step left foot forward
5-6                           Stomp right forward, stomp left back
7&8                          Keeping on your toes push both heels out, in, out 09:00
Hand movements for counts 7&8 on section 2: -
Hold right and left palms flat together to the right side and twist hands on each other in the same tempo as you are with you feet.

[17-24] Side rock, behind & cross, side hold & side touch
1-2                           Rock right to right side, recover weight on to left
3&4                          Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left
5-6                           Step left to left side, HOLD
&7-8                        Step right beside left, step left to left side, touch right beside left 09:00

[25-32] Rolling vine, ¼ shuffle, rock step step back side touch.
1-2                           Step right foot ¼ turn right (12:00), make ½ turn right stepping left foot back 06:00
3&4                          Shuffle ½ turn right stepping right, left, right 12:00
5-6                           Rock left forward, recover weight on to right
7-8                           Step left foot back, touch right to right side

[33-40] ¼ turn brush, ½ turn weave left
1-2                           Step right beside left as you make ¼ turn right, brush left foot forward 03:00
3-4                           Cross left over right, ¼ turn left step right foot back 12:00
5-6                           Make ¼ turn left step left to left side, cross right over left 09:00
7-8                           Step left to left side, cross right behind left

[41-48] Chasse Rock, Chasse ¼ , Left shuffle forward
1&2                          Step left to side, step right beside left, step left to side 09:00
3-4                           Rock right over left, recover weight on to left foot
5&6                          Step right to right side, step left beside right, make ¼ turn right as you step right forward 12:00
7&8                          Step left foot forward, close right beside left, step left foot forward
**RESTART back wall, wall 6 **

[49-56] Dorothy step ¼ turn HOLD, ¼ turn Walk forward Right Left
1-2&                        Step right to right diagonal, lock left behind right, make ¼ turn left stepping slightly back right 09:00
3-4                           Touch left foot forward, HOLD 09:00
&5-6                        Step left beside right, and step right foot forward, make ¼ turn left 06:00
7-8                           Walk forward right left 06:00


TAG: Always done at end of sequence on back wall & once on the front wall after restart wall 6.
It's very easy and you will see why it's there, fits the music PERFECTLY!
1-8                           Rock, recover walk back right, left, back rock, full turn.
1-2                           Rock right foot forward, recover weight on to left
3-4                           Walk back right, left
5-6                           Rock right foot back, recover on to left foot
7-8                           Make a full turn forward (1/2 turn left step right back, ½ turn left step left foot forward)

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