Oasis of Line Dancing


19/08/2011 16:14

Wall: 4
Level: Easy Intermediate
Choreographer: Rob Fowler
Music: Breakthrough by Adam Hicks. Album: Lemonade Mouth

Country Music: Life Is A Highway by Rascal Flatts
Intro: Dancing Breakthrough by Rascal Flatts (‘life is a highway) Start on vocals

Intro: Dancing Breakthrough by Adam Hicks. Start on vocal word ‘UP’

Kick & Knees & Hitch & Heel, Step ¾ turn touch behind
1&2&,              Kick right forward, step right together, Bend both knees out (plea), knees together
3&4                  Right hitch, Step right next to left, Touch left heel forward
&5,6                 Step left next to right, step forward onto right, ½ pivot turning left
7,8                   ¼ turn left stepping right to right side, touch left behind right, click fingers

Syncopated Weave with a ½ turn, Sweep, Cross ¼ Coaster
1,2,                  Step left to left side, step right behind left
&3&4               ¼ turn to left onto left foot, ¼ turn left stepping right to right side, step left next to right, sweep right in front of left (no weight)
5,6                   Cross right foot over left, step left to left side,
7&8,                 Right sailor step ¼ turn

Knee roll ½ turn, Coaster step, Switch left & Right, Right heel jack
1&2                  Step forward onto left, roll right knee around half a turn to the right, push back into left heel
3&4                  Right coaster step
5&6                  Touch left to left side, step left next to right, touch right to right side
7&8&               Cross right over left, step left to left side, touch right heel to right diagonal, step right next to left

Cross side sailor ¼ turn, x2 ½ turns, walk walk
1,2                   Cross left over right, step right to right side
3&4                  Left sailor step ¼ turn
5,6                   ½ turn left stepping back onto right, ½ turn left stepping forward onto left
7,8                   Walk left, walk right

End Of Dance

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