Oasis of Line Dancing

Candy (Aug11)

30/08/2011 15:55

Wall: 4
Level: Phrased Beginner / Intermediate
Choreographer: Kay Jeong, Korea, (Aug 2011)
Music: Candy by HOT

Intro : 48 Counts - Sequence : A-A-A-A-Tag-B-Tag-A-A-A-A-Tag-B-B-Ending

Part A (32 Count)
Sec A1: Left Sailor Step, Right Sailor Step, Left Sailor Step, Touch, Touch
1&2                          Step left behind right, Step right to right side, Step left to left side
3&4                          Step right behind left, Step left to left side, step right to right side
5&6                          Step left behind right, Step right to right side, Step left to left side
7-8                           Touch right over left, Touch right to right side

Sec A2: Repeat Section 1 On Opposite Feet

Sec A3: Heels Twist Right, Heels Twist Left
1-2                           Twist heels to the right, Twist heels to the left
3&4                          Twist heels to the right, Twist heels to the left, Twist heels to the right
5-6                           Twist heels to the left, Twist heels to the right
7&8                          Twist heels to the left, Twist heels to the right, Twist heels to the left
(Hand Styling : Hands extended outward, waist high, palm facing forward)

Sec A4: 1/4 Turn, Jump And Land, Scuff, Jump And Land, Cross, Heel Bounce, Touch, Touch
1-2 1                        /4 turn left, Jump & Land L foot with flick R foot, Scuff R foot
3-4                           Jump on both feet & land (shoulder width apart), Jump on both feet & land crossing left over right
5-6                           Bounce heels 2 times making 1/2 turn right (weight on right)
7-8                           Touch left over right, Touch left to left side.

Part B (32 Count)
Sec B1: Sway LRLL with Styling, Sway RLRR with Styling
1-2                           Sway L making swivel R heel in (weight on left), Sway R making swivel L heel in (weight on right)
3-4                           Sway L making swivel R heel in (weight on left), Sway L making swivel R heel in (weight on left)
5-8                           Repeat 1-4 On Opposite Feet
(Hand Styling : Beat down R hand(hold fist, elbow bend) at the same time sway L, Beat down L hand(hold fist, elbow bend) at the same time sway R)

Sec B2: Left Heel Grind, Recover, Coaster Step, Right Heel Grind, Recover, Coaster Step
1-2                           Heel Grind with Left (toes from right to left), Recover
3&4                          Step left back, Step right next to left, Step left forward
5-6                           Heel Grind with Right (toes from left to right), Recover
7&8                          Step right back, Step left next to right, Step right forward

Sec B3: Repeat Section B1

Sec B4: Step, Kick, Touch, 1/2 Turn, Step Kick, Touch, 1/2 Turn
1-4                           Step left forward, Kick right foot forward, Touch right toe back, 1/2 turn right taking weight onto right
5-8                           Repeat 1-4

Tag : Sway LRLR with Styling
1-2                           Sway L making swivel R heel in (weight on left), Sway R making swivel L heel in (weight on right)
3-4                           Repeat 1-2
(Hand Styling : Beat down R hand(hold fist, elbow bend) at the same time sway L, Beat down L hand(hold fist, elbow bend) at the same time sway R)

Ending :
1-7                           Sway LRLRLRL with Styling (like Tag)
8                              Pose!!!
(All together shout in a loud voice beat time "One Two Three Four, Five, Six, Seven, Candy!!!")


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