Oasis of Line Dancing

It's Apple Again! ...Read on (Line dance & Apple 6?)

22/09/2014 09:06

This September, Apple rocks the world with its new and hugely popular Apple 6 and Apple 6 plus smartphone. You probably know by now they sold 10 million sets within a few days. In this article, we are not talking about this Apple, but another Little Apple from the East.

The hit song, Little Apple 小苹果 by the Chopstick Brothers 筷子兄弟 storms China since this August - an Autumn arising, you can say. It all started with the music, then morning fitness dance in China (click HERE for the video), and finally rock the linedsncing world with its cute and fun dance movements. Popularity of this Little Apple probably is as huge as its nemesis in USA. Line dance, being one of the most popular and successful dance sport in contemporary dance world, followed suit with at least 4 versions of this Little Apple - we have fun and cute choreographies from Melvin Tan (Malaysia's Klang Valley), Winnie Yu in North America and later Lily Ang from Singapore. all doing their dances with the same Little Apple 小苹果. Flash mob dance of Little Apple (or small apple) were initiated (see a video of one of the flash mob HERE)

Will this Little Apple upstage its big brother in USA? Will there be 10 million line dancers doing the little cute and fun dance, currently a craze all over Asia and the community in North America. Good luck, Little Apple 小苹果 By the way, Apple has 2 versions, this Little Apple has at least 4... Enjoy!

Note: Dance stepsheet and video available in https://linedancing.webnode.com now! Watch this video to see the craze in China outside Apple Store!

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